Athlete Welfare Fund
The Athlete Welfare Fund was founded as the result of a generous donation from the guardian of a member who appreciated the benefits provided by GKDSC. Rather than just absorbing the donation into general fundraising, the committee of the day decided to match the donation and establish the Athlete Welfare Fund.
The Athlete Welfare Fund is intended to be used to provide opportunities to members in real need of financial assistance. Uses may include assistance with purchase of uniforms or equipment, travel assistance, meet entries, training fees, etc. The funding is aimed at those swimmers who have shown a commitment to the club and their training for at least 1 full season (12 months).
We have partnered with the Australian Sports Foundation to accept tax deductable donations to the Athlete Welfare Fund. Donations can be made either direct to the club, or through the ASF.
The full Athlete Welfare Policy and Application Form can be found below, or on our club policies page.